
dinsdag 4 augustus 2020

Animated tabs for card

Hi everyone!

Today I would like to show you 2 different projects  but with the same technique One is a card project, one is a layout. But in the both, i used the same tabs technique.

Here is the first project, a card make with the so nice country garden paper and labels. When you are pulling on the right, the tabs are moving, turning on itself and you can see the back.

I used the same tricks to do this layout about a trip to Nantes's castle:

Here again, when you are pulling on the right, the tabs are moving and turning on itself. I did glued 2 photos on the front, one on the back and one is hided behind the frame.

To do this, I did follow the tutorial of Dame2scrap. I did change the size but the process is the same or close.
I hope you enjoyed these 2 projects as much as I love to lake it.

6002/1434, Cutting stencil, Frame Milana
6002/1438, Cut Deboss stencil, Bille’s long leaves
6002/1446, Cutting stencil, Bille’s festooncircles
8089/0215, Kraft corrugated cardboard, 12”

6410/0629, Clear Stamp, Streetwear
6002/1405, Cutting stencil, lilac,
6011/0421, Labels, Country garden
6011/0643, Paper set, Country garden
6002/1440, Cutting stencil, Bille's rolling flowers

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